One reason why your corporate or artistical methods may be invalid

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Artists cannot make it very fat without the proper marketing methods. Marketing is a method used to promote goods or services to a certain target market, it is also a way to identify the right market for the right goods.

 As a group we thought that creativity, team working skills, good oral and written communication skills are the most essential skills to have if the desired career is marketing related, this is because the majority of marketing related jobs require a person to be able to find the most cheapest and effective ways to reach a particular target market. As well as that we believe that you must also have the ability to talk to people and write to people, talking to people is key because they are the market who may or may not be interest in what a firm has to offer.

 We did some research and identified the top skills that marketing employers look for, the skills are as of followed:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Good oral and written communication skills
  • Numeracy and analytical ability
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Influencing and negotiation skills
  • Teamwork
  • Organisational ability
  • IT skills
  • Business and commercial acumen
  • Drive and ambition

 Target jobs suggests that people want to pursue a career in marketing would have a broad understanding and awareness of how marketing is used in everyday life, for example adverts, adverts can be seen everywhere.

 We are bombarded by various kinds of advertisement such as TV and online advertisement, everything that become popular or has a large audience tends to eventually add adverts for example YouTube, when this site had first appeared there were no adverts however now you cannot view any video without watching an advert first.

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 The people responsible simply took advantage of a situation, this requires a strong sense of attention to detail.

Why your marketing efforts are failing

If you want your marketing efforts to be successful this year, you need to avoid these common pitfalls. Certainly, there are a number of variables as to why your marketing does not work, but these are some of the most important issues.

No strategy in place

The number one reason why your marketing does not work is that there is no strategy at all behind it. You’re simply “doing” some marketing actions without any thought about how it fits with your overall business objectives. Very often, this happens when firms get caught up in shiny object syndrome and they are constantly pursuing the next big thing.

You are not understanding your customers

When is the last time you have talked to your existing customers? When is the last time you have picked up the phone or met them in person to talk to your clients and understand what is happening in their lives and companies? If you have not done that in a long while, I strongly recommend you make time for it now. One of the most important problems with marketing is that it is out of touch with your customer base.

Lack of a call-to-action

When it comes to digital marketing, it is very easy to get caught up in simply “doing” some SEO campaigns and social media or content marketing without a thought as to how it will help you drive sales. The same thing happens on online websites. It’s amazing to me how many companies I see without a clear call-to-action.

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